Xiamen Xidelong 

​Furniture Products

Choose bed guidelines
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Beware of the hot beds recommended by businesses:Everybody sees the bed that the businessman recommends commonly when buying a bed...

Beware of the hot beds recommended by businesses

Everybody sees the bed that the businessman recommends commonly when buying a bed, these beds are often placed in very marked place, and will tell price discount to attract very commonly, but the bed that these recommend suits you really?

General business recommended bed has two possibilities:

One is that the inventory of this bed is large, but the sales volume is not ideal. In order to sell all the products and add recommendations, we can better sell and clear the inventory.

The second is that the bed product does sell well, but when you want to buy it will be associated with a lot of peripheral products, so the business is not selling this bed, but the peripheral products of this product, so we must pay attention to whether the product is really hot in the market when choosing recommended bed.

Beware of bed merchants playing word skills

For each business selling bed will have some text or picture poster description, so as to make people fully understand the appearance of the bed, function and advantages and disadvantages, although we feel very detailed, so that they can quickly understand the bed to buy, but in fact there are certain skills.

For general products, when the introduction is often exaggerated introduction, in fact, the function is not so complete, and they will work hard in the text to increase the function or effect.

In fact, this method is often very useful, because everyone does not understand the bed or a little knowledge, so through the description of businessmen, that will become this product only heaven some effect.

Beware of business skimping bed gifts and accessories

In order to better promotion, often the business will carry out bed additional products, and this situation is very common, but also played a very good effect, but in the actual purchase is not the case, often the commitment of the business gifts and accessories and failed to one by one.

They often say that the gift is out of stock, or directly take it as their own, it is understood that many customers will be confiscated by the merchants even if they give promotional gifts without asking.

So everyone should ask before buying a bed whether there are gifts and gifts whether there are goods, so can better prevent when you buy a bed after the businessman just says to have no gifts or cheat the phenomenon of consumer appear.

Watch out for inducements

Please be careful that some unscrupulous shops use inducements to promote their products. Such dishonest sales tactics are intended to persuade consumers to change their purchase decisions and buy other beds promoted by the shops, so as to gain profits. In order to protect themselves, it is advisable to choose a shop with a clear price, compare the market price, understand the characteristics of the product, find out the price of accessories included, check the integrity of the product before buying.

Warm reminder: in the checkout, to timely check shopping receipts, to see whether the actual receipt and price is consistent, keep good shopping receipts or receipts, so as to dispute as evidence of rights. Once discover commodity or price is false, want to negotiate with supermarket in time, if negotiation is not, should reflect to price, industry and commerce, consumer association and so on relevant unit, safeguard oneself lawful rights and interests lawfully.