Xiamen Xidelong 

​Furniture Products

  • Brief introduction of the bed

    Brief introduction of the bed

    Bed is generally used in bedrooms, dormitories, wards, hotels and other places, usually to meet the needs of human daily sleep, some can also record the ...

  • The types of the bed

    The types of the bed

    Arhat bed:Arhat bed is a very vulgar name, and no scholar has been able to accurately explain its origin.

  • How to Buy a bed

    How to Buy a bed

    The base:The secret of a piece of good bed depends on bed base above all, so how to differentiate bed base actor or actress?

  • Choose bed guidelines

    Choose bed guidelines

    Beware of the hot beds recommended by businesses:Everybody sees the bed that the businessman recommends commonly when buying a bed...

  • How to maintain your bed

    How to maintain your bed

    General situation of:Morpheus is the one part that cannot be ignored in life, a piece of good mattess not only can make you have comfortable morpheus,...

  • About the custom of bed

    About the custom of bed

    The bed serves as the most important furniture in a kind of daily life, reflect the change that gives way of daily life of ancients and custom custom not only...