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Mattress purchase considerations
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What should I pay attention to when buying a mattress? Sleep is related to people's health, the quality of the mattress directly affects people's sleep,

What should I pay attention to when buying a mattress?

Sleep is related to people's health, the quality of the mattress directly affects people's sleep, when choosing a mattress should pay attention to the following matters:

1. Determine the quality of the mattress from the product logo

Genuine mattress is brown mat, spring pad, or cotton pad, product identification has product name, registered trademark, manufacturing company name, factory address, contact phone number, some still have qualified certificate and credit card. The mattess that sells on the market does not have factory name, factory address and register trademark great majority is qualitative second valence low shoddy product.

2. Judge mattress quality from fabric workmanship

Quality mattress fabric connection is consistent, no obvious wrinkles, no floating line, jumper; Seam edge, four corners of the arc symmetrical, no exposed edge phenomenon, floss straight. When pressing mattess with the hand, the interior does not have frictional sound, and feel is crisp, comfortable. Fabrics of inferior mattess often quilted elastic is inconsistent, have float line, jumper line, arc of seam edge, four corners owes symmetry, floss is not straight.

3. See the advantages and disadvantages of spring soft mattress from the internal material

The spring mattress with the number of springs and the size of the diameter of the steel wire determines the spring mattress soft, hard. Freehand weight spring mattress surface, if the spring rings, it means that the spring has quality problems. If it is found that the spring is rusted, the inner lining material is worn gunny bag or the flocculent fiber products loosened by industrial waste materials, the spring soft mattress is inferior product.

4. Buy cotton mattress beware of "black cotton"

"Black cotton" is inferior cotton-cottons. "Black cotton" is not in line with the relevant national health standards, often sleep on the "black cotton" mattress, will cause damage to health.

Sleeping on the wrong mattress for a long time can affect the health of your spine, and many people suffer from back pain caused by not choosing the right mattress. A lot of consumer thinks when mattess of choose and buy, mattess had jumped over hard, perhaps had jumped over soft. Some older consumers believe that the harder the mattress, the more comfortable it is to fall asleep, while many brands in the market are pushing soft mattresses.

So, is mattess after all harder had jumped over, still had jumped over more soft? The reporter inquired at this point the responsible person of many mattess exclusive store, they all say, the softness and hardness of mattess is the bit that consumer needs to notice when choosing to buy mattess. The ideal mattress should be soft and hard moderate, can perfectly support every part of your body, can support every part of the body evenly according to the curve of the human body and weight, too soft or hard mattress will destroy the natural physiological radian of the spine.

How to measure the softness of mattress

How to call soft hard moderate? The simplest way to measure it is to lie on your back and stretch your hands flat in the three obvious bends between your neck, waist and hip to see if there is any space; Turn over to one side again, use the same method to try the body curve between the sunken part and the mattress there is no gap, if not, prove that the mattress and the person in sleep when the neck, back, waist, hip and legs of the natural curve of the appropriate match, such a mattress can be said to be soft and hard moderate. Everyone is opposite of mattess soft hard be fond of each different, some people love to sleep hard bed, some people love to sleep soft bed, after all what hardness mattess just is good mattess? Thirty years ago, there was a debate in Germany about whether hard or soft mattresses were better, which led to the participation of the German bachelor's degree in ergonomics and the study of human sleep posture. The result of the study is: no matter hard mattress or too soft mattress is adverse to human health sleep, the correct mattress should be high elasticity mattress. This means that when the force applied to the mattress is high, the mattress should fall more and provide more support to the body, and vice versa. Because human body is a curve, this is, can make human body and back are supported only on the mattess of high elasticity, especially the waist should have forceful support, make human body each ministry loosens thereby and get sufficient rest. As a result of human body spine shows shallow S model, when lying down, the need has the support of appropriate hardness, because this is full of elastic mattess is vital to the comfortable level of human body and the quality of morpheus. Choose mattess cannot rely on ego feeling simply, too soft or too hard inappropriate, however the difference according to height and weight. Lighter people sleep on a soft bed so that the shoulders and hips sink slightly into the mattress and the waist is fully supported. And heavy weight is suitable for sleeping on a harder mattress, the strength of the spring can give each part of the body properly, especially whether the neck and waist are well supported. You can consult tall, weight and mattess soft hard contrast table, that will be more scientific.