Xiamen Xidelong 

​Furniture Products

Industry standard for sofas
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Sofa is furniture product medium bulk consumable, quantity is big face is wide. This standard is the revision of QB/T1952.1-1999 standard. Compared...

Sofa is furniture product medium bulk consumable, quantity is big face is wide. This standard is the revision of QB/T1952.1-1999 standard. Compared with the original standard, the main changes are as follows:

1. Product classification: This standard classifies the products mainly according to the elastic material of the seat surface, the covering fabric and the use function.

2. Main dimension requirements: This standard has adjusted the dimensions of front and back height, and eliminated the dimension requirements of handrail height and external dimension deviation, except for reserving seat width and seat depth in the main dimensions of products.

1. The material used for the appearance of the product should be consistent with the identification; The internal material of the product should not contain bark; ⑶. The moisture content of wood shall not be higher than the annual average balanced moisture content of wood in the region where the product is located, which was originally set at +1%. In the standard Appendix B (normative Appendix), the balance moisture content of wood in different regions of China is added as the basis of product evaluation. (4) The provisions of dry rubbing color fastness ≥4 for textile fabrics, leather, artificial leather and other materials were added.

4. Mechanical property requirements: The mechanical property test of this standard is in accordance with the grading requirements of the durability of the unified seat back (the original standard stipulates the durability requirements according to the elastic type of sofa), that is, the durability should pass: CLASS A 60,000 times; 40,000 for class B and 20,000 for Class C. The amount of back looseness, handrail looseness and compression are adjusted accordingly.

5, flame retardant requirements: considering the development trend of the product, reduce the harm to human body.

6. Inspection result evaluation: Product inspection is divided into type inspection and ex-factory inspection. The inspection results are as follows: excellent product (top product), first-class product (grade B), qualified product (grade C) and unqualified product.